IntroductionJohn Horton Conway's Cellular Life Game
Double click on the !LifeGame icon to load it onto the icon bar.
Clicking 'Menu' on the bar icon brings up a menu, from which the 'SetUp' panel can be selected.
Select options from the 'SetUp' panel and then click on the 'OK' icon. !LifeGame then displays a simulation of a grid with 'live' and 'dead' cells. The 'live' cells 'die' if they are isolated or overcrowded. Cells become 'live' if they have a given number of 'live' neighbours. The size of the grid is selectable.
The game of 'Life' was invented by John Horton Conway, a Cambridge Mathematician.
Additional Help is available from the bar icon menu, or by using the Acorn facility !Help, present in the 'Apps' directory.
Read the 'ReadMe1st' file present in the zipped file for more information, and the file '!ReadMe' within the application (double click over the application icon with 'Shift' held down to find it), for conditions of use.
Hopefully, should be 32-bit compatible.