IntroductionCalculation (Addition, Multiplication, Inversion) and Solution of Sum of Squares Diophantine Equation with Quaternions
Latest Changes
The IBM file extension, of the downloaded file, should be changed from .zipped to .zip, and Acorn File Type set to 'Archive', to decompress. Accuracy issues with the inverses, have now been addressed by representing them to three decimal places.
Update of !Quatern. In addition to multipication of Quaternions (four dimensional numbers), now allows of addition, inversion (multiplicative inverse), and accumulation (adding to, or subtracting from, previous result). The Result may be 'fed back' to the operands, for further calculation. The operands may, also, be 'swapped over', as the multiplication is not 'commutative' i.e. Differs one way around from the other.