IntroductionBazound is a small configuration and diagnostic utility for the RISC OS sound system.
Latest Changes
Modified for compatibility with version 3.02 (beta) of AppBasic IDE. Fixed a bug where the definition of PROCbroadcast_claim was terminated by ENDIF rather than ENDPROC!
Have you ever wondered why your computer's sound system goes silent or strangely distorted after running an old game or other badly-behaved program? If you are an expert user of RISC OS who is curious about such phenomena then an application I have written may be of use to you.
About Bazound:
'Bazound' is a small configuration and diagnostic utility for the RISC OS sound system. It may be useful to programmers writing sound software, and in situations where programs have left the sound system in an indeterminate state. It was written using Joe Taylor's 'AppBasic', a new programming aid that simplifies the task of writing Toolbox applications in BASIC.