!NetWatch is a program which (automaticly) checks for updates on the web.
NetWatch is a program which keeps up with changes on the internet. The user has to mark the pages which are interesting. Next NetWatch will fetch these pages at defined intervals and calculates a checksum. This is compared against a local stored checksum. When these are different, the URL has changed and NetWatch will warn the user.
It's now possible to download URLs at without adding them to the list...and when it gets aborted, it's possible to continue downloading at the same position as it got aborted! Quite handy with large files or with a bad connection!
NetWatch is now also alble to communicate with FileBase! Netwatch is able to get the website and the download URL, it can also open the details page of an entry. All entries will be sowed in a menu, so the user can easily select an entry which haveto be checked by NetWatch. NetWatch will also check whether an entry gets changes or added every time it's started.