IntroductionGenerates Mandelbrot Fractal Images for Powers greater than Two
Double click on the !HyperMand icon run the application.
The method employed is to raise a complex number to a certain power, (usually two), add a fixed complex number, then keep on repeating the process.
The starting value for this is zero, but the successive complex numbers formed can either remain bounded (converge), or start becoming larger and larger (diverge).
As we vary the complex number that is added on to the power, the behaviour alters.
So the plot you see on the screen is the complex plane near zero, with the degree of instability of the iteration for each added complex number in this plane marked by a colour.
The black coloured region is where the iteration remains stable.
After or during Plotting, you may halt the process and choose a sub area to zoom in on and investigate.
Choose an unused Plot Number to generate the initial Mandelbrot with a new Power (up to five).