IntroductionTakes a Text File and Converts it into a BBC Basic File
Double click on the !Text_BBC icon to load it onto the icon bar.
Drag a Text file to the bar icon to enter its file name into the main 'SetUp' panel slot. Alternatively clicking on the bar icon brings up the main 'SetUp' panel and the Text file can be dragged to this panel, or the file name can be typed manually into the slot at the top of this panel.
Select options from the 'SetUp' panel, and then click on the 'Run' icon. After a while a BBC Basic File is offered for saving in the same directory as the original file, but with the leaf name prefixed by a capital 'B'. This is the resulting converted BBC Basic file
Please read the text file '!ReadMe' within this application for conditions of use.
This program is shareware, and will only work on writable media (not CD ROMs).
Additional Help is available from the bar icon menu, or by using the Acorn facility !Help, present in the 'Apps' directory.
Version 1.00 gives the option of listing all the identifiers present in the BBC Basic with their type (Variable, Function or Procedure Name).
Version 2.00 should be 26/32 bit neutral.