IntroductionProvides commands to help debugging, particularly BASIC WIMP programs.
Latest Changes
Catered for rectangular pixel modes. Improved scrolling. Added AutoScroll facility. Clear now rounds down to whole number of lines.
Module providing commands and SWIs which enable debugging information to be easily displayed in a separate multi-tasking window.
Basic programs can display text, values of variables, evaluated expressions, and storage, just with commands - NO additional Basic PROCs or FNs.
All OS Commands executed can be displayed, including any error messages, and optional Time and Source.
Any Error or WimpError messages and codes can be displayed.
ReportTrace command for displaying Basic TRACE output (on Iyonix indents and reports ENDPROC/ENDFN.)
The text and background can be coloured in many of the Wimp colours.
Reporting can be turned On or Off, from the program or externally.
Basic Errors can be displayed, and Throwback invoked to display the line in error.
Obey files can display text, and values of OS Variables.
Assembled code can display text, and values of registers.
Ada95 code can display text, and values of OS variables.
All Reporter commands can be used during the whole RISC OS !Boot sequence.